Calculate measures of collinearity

collinearity(formula, data, format = c("SeIF", "degrees", "radians",



a formula giving, on the right-hand side, the explanatory variables to be considered. Iteractions, etc. may also be specified.


a data frame from which to draw the variables in the formula


choice of "SeIF" for inflation of standard errors, "degrees" or "radians" for collinearity described as an angle or "VIF" for the variance inflation factor (which is the square of SeIF).


collinearity( ~ cyl * disp * hp, data = mtcars)
#> expl_vars SeIF #> 1 cyl 19.38242 #> 2 disp 52.50735 #> 3 hp 38.99003 #> 4 cyl:disp 70.96065 #> 5 cyl:hp 57.14974 #> 6 disp:hp 152.54661 #> 7 cyl:disp:hp 170.88251
collinearity( ~ cyl * disp * hp, data = mtcars, format = "degrees")
#> expl_vars degrees #> 1 cyl 2.9573819 #> 2 disp 1.0912613 #> 3 hp 1.4696593 #> 4 cyl:disp 0.8074570 #> 5 cyl:hp 1.0026065 #> 6 disp:hp 0.3755979 #> 7 cyl:disp:hp 0.3352953