Tim Watkins examined the swimming speed of tadpoles as a function of the water temperature, and the water temperature at which the tadpoles had been raised. Since size is a major determinant of speed, the tadpole's length was measured as well.



A data frame Trucking_jobs with 129 rows and 11 variables.

  • group Whether the tadpole was raised in cold water ("c") or warm ("w").

  • rtemp The temperature (C) of the water in which the swimming speed was measured. (The swimming channel is called a "race".)

  • length The tadpole's length, in mm.

  • vmax The maximum swimming speed attained in one trial, in mm/sec.


It was hypothesized that tadpoles would swim faster in the temperature of water close to that in which they had been raised.


mod_1 = lm(vmax ~ poly(rtemp, 2) * group + length, data = Tadpoles)